I have been a secondary school teacher of Computer Science and Mathematics in Ontario, Canada, since 2006.
My focus is on building thinking classrooms where students actively grapple with authentic tasks – tasks that are meaningful and contribute to their sense of self and personal confidence. I actively work to improve the participation of young women and under-represented groups in STEM fields.
I am grateful for what I have learned from a long list of educators, including but not limited to: Ron Lancaster, Fred Ferneyhough, Paul Alves, Carmel Schettino, Marg Shier, Pat Geale, Abedeen Remtulla, Jack Scorcia, Sheila Barclay, Krishpa Kotecha, Angela Terpstra, Paul O'Leary, Michael Ruscitti, Stephen Beatty, Joe McRae, and Anne-Marie Kee.
Sometimes I have been quick on the uptake, and sometimes I have learned the hard way, but I could not be anything approaching a reasonable teacher without these individuals.
You may wish to view my résuméview my résumé, or contact me by email or via Mastodon.